Seawolves: July 2023 Update

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By Kodiak

It has been a while (far too long) since I provided any updates on Seawolves and Parallaxian; the reason for this is I have been ill for most of the summer and only now have started to feel normal again.

Nevertheless, I have made some major progress on what I am calling my "universal sound effects player" for both Seawolves and Parallaxian, with some unusual features that I hope will lift the SFX in both games above the norm:

  • A tremolo-echo option on single channel SFX.
  • A dual channel harmonics feature to synthesise a pseudo stereo effect.
  • A dual channel synchronised and / or ring modulation feature.

Seawolves itself is now being polished with a view to a near future digital edition being released, and if that is received well, I would proceed to a cartridge edition.

Originally, the game was devised as being 1-4 players, but lack of raster time pushed it down to 3, and now with all the extra features added, it has been trimmed back down to just 2.

My thinking is, better to have a top quality 2 player experience than a rough looking 4 player game; after all, how many C64 sceners could realistically call upon three other people to play an 8-bit retro game with them?

Some features of the game are as follows:

  • 8 different ocean settings.
  • 14 different types of enemy vessel.
  • 4 different types of civilian vessel.
  • Enemy attacks directed back at the player submarines.
  • Repair kits dropped by friendly helicopters.
  • Real-time water distortion graphical effects.

Some screenshots of the title screen:

Seawolves Title Screen A
Seawolves Title Screen B

I want this wrapped up very soon, so that I can finish Parallaxian ASAP; I have missed working on it lately and when I returned to it a few days ago to take it for a joyride, so to speak, it blew me away once again; I just need to one final mega effort to get it over the line!


PS: Don't forget to check the home page regularly for more articles like this.

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Last of all, for additional short snippets of content, check out the posts on my Ko-fi page.
